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How to Shoot Testimonial and About-Us Video
Baldino Digital will handle all the editing. Below are the guidelines for your photographer and the person on camera. These specifications are vital as we need consistency of look and feel throughout the entire project.
Setup and Shoot
Setting Up and Shooting
If you do not have professional lighting, set up in a well-lit area.
Light from behind your subject should not overpower the shot.
Whether you are shooting with a video camera or smartphone, it should be set on a tripod or stand at eye-level to the subject. In the photos below, Liza shows you how to set your camera or smartphone.

If you are using a smartphone, shoot horizontally, not vertically. We cannot use vertical video. While you should use a tripod or stand, Liza shows you how to place your phone according to the way she is holding hers.

When you shoot video vertically, it's just bad. Here's what happens on a standard monitor.

Don't let bad video happen to good people.
Pay attention to your shot composition as well. A common bad practice is to shoot with the subject's head too low in the shot. Liza illustrates a shot with too much headroom.

Seriously, don't let bad video happen to good people.
Your shot should be reasonable tight as Liza's shot is below. The interviewer will stand or set at eye level just slightly off camera. The subject will address the interviewer, not the camera.

Oh, yeah! That's the shot.
Now let's talk about audio. IF you use a microphone other than your phone's built-in mic, follow the guidelines below.
When your subject puts on the mic, make sure he/she dresses the mic. In other words, don't let the mic cable show.

Liza's cable is showing. How embarrassing!
She can fix it by running the cable under her shirt.
Liza's cable is showing. How embarrassing!
She can fix it by running the cable under her shirt.

That's much better. It is a neater, more professional look.
If your subject is wearing a jacket like Liza is in the next photos, simply hide the cable inside the jacket.

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